Tag: european union

Your FAQs on ‘Censorship Machines’
What is Article 13 and why should you care about it? We’ve made a handy guide to answer all your questions.

MEPs vote in favour of dangerous censorship proposals
On 11th July, key EU committees made their final call on copyright law & failed to save the link

BREAKING: MEP Pascal Arimont’s all out attack on the right to link
The worst version of the EU copyright plan just got proposed. One MEP is rallying others to a plan for 50 years ownership of links and expansive censorship machines.

Save the Link heroes
You emailed your MEPs in the thousands, and in return they put through hundreds and hundreds of amendments to change the law for the better.

For these large publishers, it was always about undermining our Right to Link
There’s no shortage of proof that publishing lobbyists and their political allies want a world where you can own a hyperlink.

RightsCon Brussels 2017: Making Facebook Pay (for the News)
We fought the Internet tax and the link tax to stop the open Internet being crushed in the name of saving the media. But what will we do when the next big idea comes along?

Link tax slammed by major Spanish newspaper El País
The European Commission’s plans for a Link Tax have been dealt another blow — this time by leading Spanish newspaper El País

Copyright and transformative works: how will new laws affect creators of the future?
Lobbyists for the music and publishing industries are hoping to gain new powers to control how we share, collaborate, and create art online. But how will this affect creators? We’re kicking off an interview series with digital artists to find out!

Q&A: One tech journalist’s take on ancillary copyright
The link tax: one tech journalist isn’t buying the claim that it will be good for journalists. Read more from Jennifer Baker.

Will the European Commission’s copyright rules spell destruction for Wikimedia?
Without an exception for nonprofits, monitoring and filtering provisions in the EU Commission’s new copyright law would bankrupt some of our favourite services – like Wikipedia

Mind the ‘value gap’: how the EU Commission is working to reframe its Link Tax and other copyright reforms
In the past several weeks, you’ve probably seen the phrase “value gap” creeping into your newsfeeds. But what does it really mean?

The link tax law is leaked, and it looks like it was written by someone who has never used the Internet
A new leak from the European Commission lays out the not-so-specific details of the link tax law and other copyright reforms. And guess what? They only serve media industry giants.

Why is the European Commission hiding the voices of thousands of Internet users?
The European Commission hasn’t released the data that they say justifies the link tax. Where are your voices and their consultation response?

Breaking News: Leaked document reveals EU Commission’s plan to mislead and ignore you in their crusade for a link tax
The European Commission have shown themselves incapable of listening, recent leak shows they intend to push ahead with link tax and ignore public consultation process.

Become a link tax mythbuster
We have been putting together some key myth-busting images that should put the link tax to bed once and for all, showing decision-makers why it's just not going to work.

The Link Tax is Running Out of Fuel: You Can Stop It Here
The European Commission is still considering proposals for fees for hyperlinks, AKA: the link tax. They are writing the law now, but they are on the brink of dropping these plans. Let’s remind them we’re not going away.

Online toll booths or a free and open Internet? Europe needs to hear from you
We have until July 18 to speak up for Net Neutrality ahead of a landmark European ruling.

Five amazing groups who helped Save the Link
Over 100 groups have come together to save the link. Here’s what just five of them have been doing to make this campaign a huge success.

Lets get the European Commission back on track to end geoblocking
Last year the European Commission came out with a bold plan to end geoblocking in the EU. But now due to pressure from content industry lobbyists, they’re backing away from their ambitious plans.

We’re taking feedback from thousands of EU Internet users rejecting the link tax to key MEPs
MEPs on key European Parliament committee will meet with your OpenMedia team tomorrow to discuss opposition to ancillary copyright and additional liabilities for online platforms.

What the heck is ancillary copyright and why do we call it the Link Tax?
What the heck is ancillary copyright anyway? And why does it matter? And why do we keep calling it the link tax? All will be revealed within.

The European Commission is listening, again: The consultation to end all consultations?
Exciting developments in our Save the Link campaign happened this week!

The Story of Saving the Link
Our Save the Link campaign is really making a difference, but how did it all begin?

Permission to link freely?
The highest court in the EU is now hearing arguments in a landmark case that could see all hyperlinks subject to new permissions-based regulations. Read more to find out how that will impact your right to link.
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