Tag: dial-up

Image for A day in the life of dial-up or: Why we need affordable, world-class service for 100% of Canadians

A day in the life of dial-up or: Why we need affordable, world-class service for 100% of Canadians

Below is a guest blog from Carol Vlassoff, an OpenMedia community member and resident of Hawk Lake, Quebec, who faces barriers to affordable, high-speed Internet access in her community. It is widely believed that all people in today’s world must be able to access the Internet in order to exercise and enjoy their basic human rights. Affordable Internet access allows us to express our opinions freely, and modern telecommunications services should be equally available to all – not just restricted to certain individuals or communities. 
Image for Motherboard: How First Nations Kids Built Their Own Internet Infrastructure

Motherboard: How First Nations Kids Built Their Own Internet Infrastructure

First Nations kids in Ontario found a solution to no high-speed, ridiculously expensive Internet service: they built their own infrastructure. Learn more below, and demand world-class Internet service for 100% of Canadians at UnblockCanada.ca Article by Jordan Pearson for Motherboard

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