Tag: deal

Image for Tyee: TPP Deal Puts BC’s Privacy Laws in the Crosshairs

Tyee: TPP Deal Puts BC’s Privacy Laws in the Crosshairs

The TPP would render B.C. privacy laws useless. Speak out now to repeal this secretive, Internet-censoring deal at StoptheSecrecy.net Article by Scott Sinclair for The Tyee British Columbia's privacy laws are in the crosshairs of the nearly completed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. If you're wondering what the heck data privacy protections have to do with trade, you're not alone. Public awareness of the far-reaching, 12-country negotiation is scant, with polls showing three-quarters of Canadians have never even heard of the TPP. 
Image for What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?

What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?

Canadians across the country have been reading a new acronym in the news lately, and it has many wondering–what exactly is the TPP? Well, the TPP, or the Trans-Pacific Partnership, is a massive, international trade agreement being negotiated between Canada and 11 other nations, entirely behind closed doors. If signed, the TPP would be the largest agreement ever of its kind, and would cover 40% of global trade.

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