Tag: csec

Bill C-51: Canadians won’t accept tinkering at the margins
Our own Victoria Henry argues that Canadians deserve better than Bill C-51 - we deserve our privacy back.

Why does Canada’s government want to creep on our social media feeds?
Canada's military wants to spy on the world's social media output - and Canadians are sure to be trapped in the dragnet.
Canadians are using our letter tool to spread the word about privacy
Canadians are using our new letter tool to send decision-makers a hard-hitting message about privacy. Check out this great letter by Blake Moorcroft just published in the Windsor Star. And try out our tool at https://openmedia.ca/letter
Re: Probe at cyberspy agency CSEC uncovers wrongdoing, ethics breaches, The Canadian Press, March 16.
The latest word on CSEC, as reported by the CBC, should make people start to wake up and wonder just exactly what is going on with our government.
CBC: Investigation into CSEC finds serious breaches of ethics and misuse of public assets
Spy agency CSEC's troubles go from bad to worse after an official review finds serious breaches of ethics and misuse of public funds.
An investigation at Canada's secretive eavesdropping agency has uncovered misuse of public assets and "serious breaches" of the spy outfit's values and ethics code.
The findings, prompted by confidential information from a whistleblower, led Communications Security Establishment Canada to revise policy, improve training and boost oversight.
The Globe and Mail: Inside CSEC’s new headquarters
How did CSEC officials describe their two-hour long conversation with the Globe and Mail? "Uncomfortable." Colin Freeze takes a look into Canada's ultra-secretive spy agency CSEC.
Article by Colin Freeze for the Globe and Mail
No cellphones, no recording devices, no computers.
No names.
The seven officials at the boardroom table insist that their identities cannot be published – the risk, one explains, is that they would become targets of a “hostile foreign intelligence service.”
How Canadian companies can fight surveillance
Canadian Internet Service Providers are eerily silent when it comes to information about whether or not they have assisted ultra-secretive spy agency CSEC with their surveillance of law-abiding Canadians. Jon Penney discusses what Canadian companies can do to help fight surveillance.
Article by Jon Penney for The Citizen Lab
The Communications Security Establishment’s surveillance practices raise significant privacy concerns but full answers, transparency, or substantive reforms ensuring democratic oversight from either CSEC, or the Canadian Government, are not likely forthcoming. Canadians should also care about what to do in the meantime. Professor Michael Geist has recently posted about what average Canadians can do about mass online surveillance and Professor Kent Roach has written about where to direct reforms. Here, I want to talk about what Canadian internet companies can do, or do differently, to help fill Canada’s transparency void.
Last week, CSEC chief John Forster appeared before the Senate’s national defence committee and did little more than deny allegations of mass surveillance on Canadians, while Senators struggled to pin him down. Given the Prime Minister’s vote of confidence in CSEC, via his top security advisor, any change, or full accounting of the agency’s activities, is unlikely anytime soon.
Digital Journal: What will it take for CSEC spying to spark more outrage?
In this hard-hitting op-ed, George Arthur asks what it will take for Canadians to get answers about out-of-control spy agency CSEC.
Article by George Arthur for the Digital Journal
This is the question I am left with as I consider what it will take for Canadians to demand answers about the true operations of the spy agency that is set to move into the most expensive governmental building in the nation’s history.
According to the careers page for Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC), “2014 promises to be an exciting year.” The organization is scheduled to move into “a newly constructed, state-of-the-art facility co-located with the Headquarters of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service” (CSIS). The new home for Canada’s top spies “will be the largest repository of Top Secret information in Canada.”
The Ryan and Amy Show tackles surveillance issues with a catchy music video
Check out this great video by The Ryan and Amy Show. Do you always feel like somebody's watching you too? You can learn more about Canada's largest pro-privacy coalition at https://OurPrivacy.ca
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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