Tag: conservatives

Canada’s Political Party Privacy Hall of Shame
The top privacy breaches of all time by political parties

Maclean’s: Conservatives made deal to quiet dissent on C-51, gun group says
Conservatives offered a deal with the National Firearms Association to quiet C-51 dissent, and then broke their promise.
Article by Laura Payton for Maclean's
The president of the National Firearms Association says the Conservative government offered to make changes to its gun licensing bill if the NFA held its fire on the controversial bill C-51, then reneged on the agreement.

iPolitics: Top gun advocate turns on Tories, runs as Independent
Huge numbers of conservatives are speaking out against reckless Bill C-51. Despite Harper's Conservatives' efforts to keep the gun lobby in their camp, the sector warns about the dangerous power-grab this legislation gives the security sector, threatening Canadians’ privacy rights. Let's keep fighting until we Kill C-51 --> KillC51.ca
Article by Claire Wahlen

iPolitics: It’s time for a social media rebellion, including Conservative voters, to #KillC51!
A version of this piece from principled conservative activist and OpenMedia community member Connie Fournier was originally published by iPolitics.
The government’s unpopular Bill C-51 has finally become law, following a recent tight vote in the Senate. The vote, at 44 to 28, was closer than expected - almost all the opponents of the Bill showed up to vote against, but 15 of the 59 sitting conservative Senators were absent.

Conservative MP Laurie Hawn attacks Canadian Businesses that raised concerns about Bill C-51
Wow -- this is how Conservative MP Laurie Hawn responded to the now 140+ businesses who have raised concerns in a letter published by the National Post about reckless spying Bill C-51:"[They] should seriously reconsider their business model and their lack of commitment to the values that bind us as Canadians".
Keep in mind that the list of signatories includes the founder of the largest software company in Canada.
In fact the list of signatories runs the gamut from local bakeries, to property developers, to venture capitalists. It’s amazingly unbecoming of a public office holder like Laurie Hawn to question the loyalty to Canada of these business people from across the country.
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