Tag: broadband internet

We’re on record — here’s how we’re going to end data caps
OpenMedia, and some amazing partners, have submitted our first papers on how the Internet should be priced in Canada.

Get ready for independent fibre Internet — today’s CRTC ruling paves the way for more affordable access
The CRTC released two decisions this morning — one that allows indie ISPs to offer fibre at a lower cost and one that will limit choice.

Let’s end data caps — add your voice as we urge the CRTC to honour the spirit of Net Neutrality
Internet users are mobilizing to seek end to data caps, as new report reveals how Canadians are getting a raw deal on both wired and wireless services.

The final word: How Canadians will have access to high-speed Internet at a fair price
The federal government asked Canadians if broadband Internet should be a basic service — read our TL;DR response or dive into our submission below.

All Canadians deserve affordable, high-speed Internet. Because 2016.
Your OpenMedia team took a simple but important message to the recent CRTC hearing: broadband access is considered an essential service by most Canadians and we deserve better. It's time for the CRTC to bridge the digital divide.
The state of broadband Internet in Bowen Island
The Municipality of Bowen Island invited OpenMedia to talk about what their options are to get faster, cheaper Internet. This short documentary will be part of the record of the CRTC Review of Basic Telecommunication Services hearing.

We need YOU to join us in Gatineau for a crucial CRTC hearing on the future of the Internet
This is our chance to change the state of Canadian broadband Internet, and we are asking our community to join our Campaigns Director, Josh Tabish, at the CRTC hearing this April 28th. Who’s in?

AdWeek: Brazilian Kids Learn English by Video Chatting With Lonely Elderly Americans FCB’s touching work for a language school
When the Internet works for good!
Article by Tim Nudd for AdWeek
It's such a great, simple idea: Young Brazilians want to learn English. Elderly Americans living in retirement homes just want someone to talk to. Why not connect them?
FCB Brazil did just that with its "Speaking Exchange" project for CNA language schools. As seen in the touching case study below, the young Brazilians and older Americans connect via Web chats, and they not only begin to share a language—they develop relationships that enrich both sides culturally and emotionally.

A day in the life of dial-up or: Why we need affordable, world-class service for 100% of Canadians
Below is a guest blog from Carol Vlassoff, an OpenMedia community member and resident of Hawk Lake, Quebec, who faces barriers to affordable, high-speed Internet access in her community.
It is widely believed that all people in today’s world must be able to access the Internet in order to exercise and enjoy their basic human rights. Affordable Internet access allows us to express our opinions freely, and modern telecommunications services should be equally available to all – not just restricted to certain individuals or communities.

CBC: CRTC to announce big decision on fibre optic network access
Are you in Canada? Do you have a radio? You probably heard OpenMedia this morning talking about today's forthcoming CRTC decision on fibre optic network access. Here's one of the 20 radio interviews we gave to inform Canadians all across the country about today's announcement. Stay tuned!
Article by CBC News
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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