Tag: bill c51

Image for Security oversight committee is an encouraging step, but we have a long way to go to safeguard Canadians’ privacy

Security oversight committee is an encouraging step, but we have a long way to go to safeguard Canadians’ privacy

Today’s announcement has the potential to strengthen oversight of Canada’s security agencies, but is only the first of many reforms required.
Image for OpenMedia delivered your views on Canada’s Bill C-51 to Minister Goodale

OpenMedia delivered your views on Canada’s Bill C-51 to Minister Goodale

Our own Laura Tribe met with Minister of Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness, Ralph Goodale, to discuss the reckless, dangerous and ineffective Bill C-51. Here's what happened and what happens next. 
Image for VICE: Opposition to C-51 is as high as it’s ever been

VICE: Opposition to C-51 is as high as it’s ever been

Even after the bill passed, opposition to C-51 is as high as it's ever been. This reckless legislation is shaping up to be a key election issue.  Speak out now to get it repealed at KillC51.ca Article by Justin Ling for Vice Canadians aren't the biggest fans of C-51, the anti-terrorism bill that is now law.
Image for CBC: Bill C-51 is now in force. What changes?

CBC: Bill C-51 is now in force. What changes?

On Thursday afternoon Bill C-51 received Royal Assent and is now in force. Let's keep building opposition to C-51 until the election and then let's get it repealed: KillC51.ca Article by Hadyn Watters for CBC Bill C-51, the Conservatives' anti-terror legislation, received royal assent Thursday afternoon and is now law. 

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