Tag: bell canada

Bell Canada: weaponizing copyright
We thought we'd seen it all, but Bell has pitched an outrageous proposal to protect its outdated model and censor the Internet... Through NAFTA

Ottawa vote reminds us Big Telecom’s cartel is long past its expiration date
Our team is disappointed that Ottawa City Council did not pass Councillor Leiper’s Internet affordability motion today. But the fight goes on and we are not giving up, neither should you!

How Ottawa can make fast Internet more affordable
Writing in the Toronto Star, our David Christopher looks at why the federal government should support a crucial CRTC decision that could make affordable fibre Internet a reality for homes and businesses across Canada.
Our own Laura Tribe discusses greater Internet choice in Toronto
Toronto City Council is about to hold a key vote on the issue of Internet affordability this February 4th.

City of Toronto votes to support crucial CRTC rules on Internet choice and affordability
Council rejects Mayor Tory’s problematic call for federal Cabinet to overturn CRTC rules designed to ensure Canadians have affordable fibre Internet options.
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