The Latest from David Christopher

Digital issues at the top of MPs’ agenda as Parliament resumes
MPs have a packed agenda of digital rights issues to grapple with this fall -- with Bill C-51 top of the list.

Could Canadians finally get relief from high wireless prices?
Exorbitant wireless prices have been the norm for Canadians for too long, but an encouraging shift in policy could be about to change that.

Disappointing Supreme Court ruling has worrying implications for online free expression and access to information in Canada and across the globe
We're worried that governments and commercial entities will see this ruling as justifying censorship requests

NAFTA renegotiation could undermine Canada’s digital freedoms
An imminent renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) raises big concerns in the Canadian digital rights sphere, including the undermining of our stronger privacy, net neutrality and intellectual property policies.

The RCMP’s admission that it spies on our cellphones is long overdue, but leaves important questions unanswered
After years in the dark, the RCMP has finally admitted they are using Stingray Canadian devices to spy on Canadians' cellphones. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Back from the grave — Secret TPP talks to resume in Toronto
As Toronto hosts two days of high-level TPP talks in an undisclosed location, civil society groups warn that TPP cannot be the basis for Canada’s future trade relationships

FCC Chair Ajit Pai Confirms Internet Users’ Worst Fears As He Announces Plans to Undo Net Neutrality
Get ready Internet advocates – one of the most important battles in the history of the Internet is upon us.

After years of secrecy, RCMP finally admits to using mass cell phone surveillance tools on Canadians
Amidst growing controversy, the RCMP says it deployed IMSI-catchers — commonly known as Stingrays — dozens of times in recent years

NAFTA: Not looking good
Already it looks like the powerful corporate interests behind the TPP are seeking to use upcoming NAFTA negotiations to push their toxic digital agenda

Do you know where your private data travels online?
Our friends at IXmaps have launched a greatly improved Internet mapping tool to let you see exactly where your private data travels online
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