Image for OTTAWA CITIZEN: Federal watchdogs warn security-bill snooping goes way too far
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OTTAWA CITIZEN: Federal watchdogs warn security-bill snooping goes way too far

Canadians risk being caught in a web of unbridled government snooping into their personal lives” - that’s the verdict of the government’s own Privacy Commissioner on Bill C-51. Article by Ian Macleod for the Ottawa Citizen   The federal government’s proposed security bill contains serious and contradictory flaws that will allow more than 100 government entities to exchange Canadians’ confidential information – yet no provision for similar information-sharing between the agencies that track the lawfulness of federal spies and police, parliamentarians were told Thursday. Four of Canada’s top government watchdogs – who monitor privacy, the country’s two spy agencies and the RCMP – testified on Bill C-51 before the Senate national security committee.

Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien levelled the harshest blows. Canadians risk being caught in a web of unbridled government snooping into their personal lives if the draft security legislation becomes law, he warned.

“The bill would potentially lead to disproportionately large amounts of personal information of ordinary, law-abiding citizens being collected and shared. This sets up the prospect of profiling and Big Data analytics on all Canadians. In short, the means chosen are excessive to achieve the end,” Therrien said.

- Read more at the Ottawa Citizen

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