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Maple-Radio.com - Tune In To Help

Lindsey and Steve from OpenMedia.ca are going live tonight on Maple-Radio to discuss Internet metering. Tune in at 8pm EST (5pm PST) at maple-radio.com and find out how YOU can help to save our Internet!

Maple RadioLindsey and Steve from OpenMedia.ca are going live tonight on Maple-Radio to discuss Internet metering. Tune in at 8pm EST (5pm PST) at maple-radio.com and find out how YOU can help to save our Internet!

Maple Radio is a Canadian internet radio station, with a large international community and network that spans over 70,000 users. Based solely on the Internet, Maple-Radio is a great example of the vast online possibilities that are now threaten by the proposed alteration of the Internet billing.

Listen to tonight's interview at: http://maple-radio.com


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