Image for Toronto Star: Paris attacks put Canada’s Internet privacy laws at risk: Geist
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Toronto Star: Paris attacks put Canada’s Internet privacy laws at risk: Geist

Canadians don't need to resign their privacy rights to feel safe. The recent events in Europe point to the urgent need to address C-51 and the inadequacies of Canadian oversight, while strking the right balance in laws that work to safeguard both our security and privacy.  Article by Michael Geist for the Toronto Star

As the world grapples with the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, the policy implications for issues such as the acceptance of refugees and continued military participation in the fight against ISIS have unsurprisingly come to the fore. The attacks have also escalated calls to reconsider plans to reform Canadian privacy and surveillance law, a key election promise from the Trudeau government.

Despite the temptation to slow the re-examination of Canadian privacy and surveillance policy, the government should stay the course. The Liberals voted for Bill C-51, the controversial anti-terror law, during the last Parliament, but promised changes to it if elected.

Even in the face of a renewed terror threat, those changes remain essential and should not have an adverse impact on operational efforts to combat terror threats that might surface in Canada.

- Read more at the Toronto Star


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