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Their secret revealed

They tried to keep it secret, and now we know why. Freshly leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Internet censorship plan documents show it’s even worse than we thought. Want to stop TPP Internet censorship in its tracks? Click here to add your voice to our 100,000-strong petition to global leaders.

Wikileaks just made public secret documents that show how industry lobbyists are trying to impose an extreme Internet censorship scheme.1 At this historic moment please join over 100,000 people to say no to unchecked Internet censorship.

It’s even worse than we thought. The leaked documents reveal that:

  • President Obama is trying to impose laws that would clamp down on free expression, force your Internet service provider to track your Internet usage 2, and impose extreme penalties for your everyday online activities.
  • Entire families could be kicked off the Internet if their kids are accused of downloading the wrong content 3.
  • The TPP will certainly make your Internet bill more expensive.

This public leak could make all the difference -- but only if you take action now. We need to raise a loud public call at this unique moment:

Click here to tell President Obama that Internet freedom is non-negotiable.

Those behind the TPP will meet next week in Salt Lake City to push forward this extreme deal. Sending your message now will turn up the heat.

The more voices we join together, the stronger the message we can send. It’s that simple. Your action today will make a difference.

Thank you. We can do this,

Steve, on behalf of your team

P.S. If you’re still reading this, it means you care. This plan is worse than our worst fears. Your small team here at are working hard to make sure people know the truth about what’s going on. Can you do your part by chipping in what you can today towards our campaign?



[1] “Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).” Source: WikiLeaks.

[2] “TPP Creates Legal Incentives for ISPs to Police the Internet. What is at risk? Your rights.” Source: Electronic Frontier Foundation

[3] “What’s actually in the TPP?” Source: Public Knowledge

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