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Over +115,000 signatures on StopTheTrap.net

Thanks to your support, we've reached 115,000 signatures on our campaign against the Trans-Pacific Partnership and its invasive Internet provisions. That's 115,000 citizens worldwide who won't stand for a restricted Internet, won't allow the collection of our private data and won't put up with harsh criminalized fines for everyday users. We're amplifying our 115,000 voices and we're not done yet. Help us put the TPP's Internet trap to bed by signing and sharing our petition at StopTheTrap.net.

Thanks to your support, we've reached 115,000 signatures on our campaign against the Trans-Pacific Partnership and its invasive Internet provisions. That's 115,000 citizens worldwide who won't stand for a restricted Internet, won't allow the collection of our private data and won't put up with harsh criminalized fines for everyday users.

We're amplifying our 115,000 voices and we're not done yet. Help us put the TPP's Internet trap to bed by signing and sharing our petition at StopTheTrap.net.

TPP to bed

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