Image for New York Times: The European Parliament may kill net neutrality

New York Times: The European Parliament may kill net neutrality

Net neutrality alert! European lawmakers are considering new rules that would allow Big Telecom to create Internet slow lanes.

Article by Mark Scott for the New York Times

Just as the United States takes steps to secure people’s unfettered access to the Internet, Europe may soon backtrack on its own proposals.

The idea of so-called net neutrality — or the concept that everyone should have equal access to all online content — will again take center stage on Thursday as politicians from the 28-member bloc meet to discuss how the rules should be put into effect across the region.

In the United States, President Obama recently called on the Federal Communications Commission to adopt rules that would stop broadband companies from slowing down certain types of online content. The European Parliament outlined similar rules earlier this year.

- Read more at the New York Times

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